A new Story

Created by John 11 years ago
It was such a privilege to have counted Mary Ann as one of my closest friends. Of all of Mary Ann's special qualities, the one I treasured over the years was the generous giving of her time - no matter how busy she was with work, family, etc. If you mentioned you were looking for a rug or pillow or new dress - whatever - you would get a phone call or email with a web site to check out or a place in town that has "exactly what you need". Mary Ann always remembered and took the time to look out for items you might like. When Mary Ann considered you a friend, it didn't matter when your lives got busy and time went by without seeing each other; there was always time for phone calls. When we both managed to be in town at the same time our morning hot chocolate/coffee gabfest or a little shopping together seemed like we had seen each other “yesterday” and not the couple of months it was sometimes. Our trips in the spring to the nurseries picking out flowers for our gardens were some of my favorite times with Mary Ann. She loved discovering new flowers and plants. If Mary Ann was in town while I was picking raspberries at your place, she would come out and keep me company – eating down the line and chatting, but not adding any to the basket! On her quirkier side.... As you know, Mary Ann had definite ideas on pretty much everything. Try helping her in the kitchen!! She would be looking over your shoulder giving instructions on the proper way to stir. It was easy to tease her though; she was good at laughing at herself. She knew her quirks well! Your family has been such a special part of my life and Dennis's over the years. Your love, generous heart, time made the loss of Dennis in April of ‘09 a little more bearable. I hope my love for all of you helps in some little way like your love helped me. Mary Ann had so many wonderful qualities, but her time, thoughtfulness and giving heart was what made her that rare special person it was a privilege to call friend. ~ Sharon McCracken, Anchorage, Alaska